First off this is a blog about my WoW life and as such I will try to keep my personal life out of it. For starters I am a GIRL. No not "Guy In Real Life" I am a honest to goodness female complete with breast and non dangly naughty bits. I have been a gamer since I first played Duck Hunt and Q-Bert on my older brother's Nintendo and I have no intentions of ever stopping. I am 25, and artist and suffer from many addictions other that the lovely World of Warcraft such as anime direct from Japan, Manga/Comic Books, and sunflower seeds. I was talked into Warcrack by some friends of mine in college which only served to prove my point that I would get addicted to this game the minute I started playing. Oh well the trap was set, I fell in, and I will never look back.
I play on the PVP server Daggerspine (US) and have fallen prey to the alt bug but I have 2 toons I mainly play: Edyion- my main a level 80 blood elf beast mastery hunter, and Tytanya - my level 80 ret-pally. They have a brother and other sisters but honestly I have little interest in playing any of those alts at the moment. I love my hunter above all and my pally comes in a close second so I enjoy keeping in peak form in the way I play them. I am also on the Executive Board for my guild
I like raiding and I like PVP in spurts though its not my favorite thing in the world to do unless its world PVP and somebody is picking on lowbie MAS family. In which case I usually get summoned in a "Code Red" which usually means Edy drop what the hell you are doing get out here and come die...I mean pwn some face with your suicidal healers, k thanks. Yes this is where the name for my blog comes from and many an ally on d-spine camping 30s in Hillbrad should have learned by now if you see a MAS toon out there and you kill them there is a good chance I will be coming to cash that check you just wrote.
WoW isn't my first MMO. I played City of Heroes for a year before WoW and though I miss my kick ass hero I like my friends and stuff in WoW. With that I think that covers most of what I wanted to say. Again I bid you hello and stick around you might read something interesting :).
I like your blog, and I miss you guys. I was planning on showing up for the "meeting" saturday